Discussion Module 3.3

Conflict Management: A Gap in the Business Education Curricula

Part 1: Conflict Management

What in your opinion is the most important point in the article, and why?

In my opinion the statement of, “firms have increasingly moved from efforts to eliminate conflict to effectively managing conflict, thereby acknowledging that conflict is simply an expected (and sometimes even desirable) by product of organization processes,” would be the most significant point in the article (Hignite et al., 2002). This statement shows to the reader(s) of the article that they are not denying that conflict is present in every organization but providing us with the knowledge that without conflict, organizations would not develop new processes to help reduce or deter. The article titled “Conflict Management: A Gap in the Business Education Curriculastates that, “Conflict resolution skills are critical to individual employees, organizational teams, top management decisions, and effective organizational leadership” (Lang, p.240). Conflict occurs on a daily basis and the growing industries rely on articles like these to help them learn how to manage effectively. Not only are the managers involved struggling to reduce conflict, but the employees within the organizations are as well.  Conflict can be hidden at times and be present in the workplace through narcissistic individuals who create tension between employees, and most of the time managers or leaders do not see all that goes on.  This is why employers should host seminars or classes for their managers so that they can better spot the signs of growing conflict.

Based on library research, how would you as a manager use some of the techniques to diffuse conflict within your workplace?

Based upon library research a decent manager possesses skills such as they, “create and maintain a bond, even with your ‘adversary’, establish a dialogue and negotiate, “put the fish on the table”, understand what causes conflict, use the law of reciprocity, and Build a positive relationship”( Kohlrieser, p. 2).  In today’s society it is hard to find a Leader/Manager who knows how to resolve conflict in a professional manner,Image result for conflict management I have had many managers show aggression and even shouted in front of other people because of a conflict that had arose between them and an employee. On this statement alone I would first take classes on conflict resolution and how to deal with employees in a professional manner, and after that I would try to sit down with each employee and talk with them about these issues. I would market myself as a manager that is fair and a team player, but one that would not be undermined. I consider myself to be a well-rounded individual and I would use constructive criticism when dealing with employees that are not following that path to success. Another way that I would diffuse conflict would be to work around the conflict between employees and schedule the right team together. If it does not work out then the individual who is the main source of the conflict would have to be let go, but that just meant they were not right for the job. It is tough to find employees who are the perfect fit, they do not just walk in miraculously and work out, but with the right training a great employee should grow within the company.

Part 2: “Mine the Potential of Multicultural Teams”

What are some of the benefits of having a multicultural team?

Having a multicultural team brings extreme benefits; some may include but are not limited to, “”diversity of thought that results in better business solutions, the philosophy and uniqueness of other cultures brings richness to problem solving, and the diversity of customers’ needs are met by a diverse team” (Gupta, p.80). With a diversity of thought that a team could ensure from being blended together, the team itself would be better organized. I have personally worked with all types of people, and in the secretary setting at the University of Alabama in Huntsville I worked with individuals from out of the country as well. It made it easier when international students came in to help them because I had a great example teaching me how I needed to handle the situations. We also had an African American Veteran’s coordinator and a Hispanic lady who would answer any questions that students had.  When I think of diversity I do not just think of different races, nationalities or origins, I also think of diversity as having males and females being on the same team. The office I worked in was comprised of all females and that changed the year I got there when they hired on three gentlemen to mix things up. It makes things flow better in the workplace when you can help someone find what they are looking for with a diversified team. Not only are there multiple tongues, but also many ways to say a phrase or to handle situations that arise.


How will you as a manager harness the incremental productivity inherent within this type of team?

As a manager I will strive to make all efforts to put together a team that is not only effective in conversation, but one that can work together even when everyone is from a different culture. Giving the tools for success I will have a meeting with my team and hold seminars to bring together a community enthusiasm. Without a good team, the rest falls apart and knowing this as a manager I will harness the incremental productivity inherent in this particular team by making sure I include every thought from each individual. No task is too great for one individual with the right guidelines, and when the team is a whole, that means that who they help when they get to their tasks also helps the team. When we win, we win together and when we lose, we lose together. I would also like to enable to team as a whole to work together on communication skills, and if they would like to learn a new language I will provide them with the necessary resources. I believe that without a well-rounded team of different cultural backgrounds, the establishment where that is present does not have a good understanding of customers they work with on a daily basis. Take for example big business Google,New Horizons Pluto flyby and if Google only had all females working for them, they would not have the success like they do today from not being multicultural. Google prides itself not on being the “Best company to work for” but for having this statement from Vice President of development, “It’s less about the aspiration to be No. 1 in the world, and more that we want our employees and future employees to love it here, because that’s what’s going to make us successful” (Martin, 2014).

Works Cited/ References

Gupta, S. (2008, October 1). Mine the Potential Of Multicultural Teams. HR Magazine, 79-84.

Hignite, M. A., Margavio, T. M., & Chin, J. M. (2002). Assessing the conflict resolution profiles of emerging information systems professionals. Journal of Information Systems Education,13, 315–325.

Kohlrieser, G. (2007, June 1). SIX ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR MANAGING CONFLICT. Retrieved June 14, 2015, from http://www.imd.org/research/publications/upload/PFM149_LR_Kohlrieser.pdf

Lang, M. (2009). Conflict Management: A Gap in Business Education Curricula. Journal of Education for Business, 240-245.

Smith, Krista. “Beyond Conflict.” Integrated People Solutions RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 July 2015. <http://ipeoplesolutions.ca/beyond-conflict/&gt;.

The Google Way of Motivating Employees. (2014, September 25). Retrieved June 14, 2015, from http://www.entrepreneurial-insights.com/google-way-motivating-employees/

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